Having embarked on his tattooing journey at the age of 16, Marshal is a self-taught prodigy who has honed his skills through years of relentless practice and artistic exploration. Hailing from Ghana, he brings a rich cultural influence and a deep passion for the art of tattooing to every piece he creates. Specialising in black and grey realism, his work is a testament to his remarkable talent and unwavering dedication to the craft. His unconventional path to mastery has endowed him with a unique perspective, allowing him to infuse his creations with a depth of emotion and storytelling that resonates deeply with his clients.
As co-owner of our studio, Marshal is dedicated to providing a transformative and personalised tattooing experience for every client who walks through our doors. With an innate ability to capture intricate details and evoke powerful imagery, his portfolio is a testament to his expertise in translating life-like realism onto the skin. Each piece he designs is a masterclass in precision and artistry, reflecting his unwavering commitment to delivering tattoos of unparalleled quality and significance.